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AI Futurist Meet Growth Investor, A Series

Project Overview

We all know how many firms are interested in leveraging AI while not neccesarily having a detailed understanding of the implications of its implementation.  That said, Bregal-Sagemount will be hosting an ‘AI Futurist Meet Growth Investor,’ film series tailored specifically for such portcos. 

Drawing inspiration from the Growth Factor’s summit’s dynamic format, the project will feature presentations, breakout sessions and workshops, while also presenting conventional case studies from portfolio companies that have achieved tangible success through AI integration. While we currently are imagining this as a film series, we can also see the concept manifest across a number of mediums, be it a podcast, series of fireside chats, or some combination. 



1 x 2-Camera Production Day at NYC Stage to capture the hero film with selected host.

  • In-Person Crew: Director, Director of Photography, Sound Recordist, Gaffer, PA
  • Inclusive of Stage or Studio Rental

3 x 1-Camera Production Days at selected PortCo Locations to capture B-Roll of AI tools in action.

  • In-Person Crew: Director, Director of Photography
  • Drone & Drone Operator


1 x 6-8-Minute Film: ‘AI Futurist Meet Growth Investor’ that focuses on effective ways of integrating AI tools into business operations. The piece of film will feature a signature speaker, teacher or renowned professional from the field who will talk through effective AI tools and demonstrate how specific portfolio companies have integrated them into their workflows to optimize efficiency and drive value. The speaker themselves will be selected from Bregal Sagemount’s leadership team or hired externally to assist in guiding the session while an original bespoke graphics package brings to life product visualizations and data. 

3 x 1-2-Minute PortCo Segments that take a focused look into specific use cases of the AI tools featured in the hero film and how the PortCo’s researched, learned, integrated and, ultimately, benefitted from their adoption. Each individual filmed segment will combine key stakeholder interviews, onsite B-Roll, licensed stock footage and music, and a basic graphics package to bring each case study to life in a documentary style. 


The following list outlines the anticipated deliverables and their estimated cost per item. Final budgets will be further refined in the Statement of Work to reflect Bregal Sagemount’s updated preferences for the content, style, complexity of the visual approach, and any add-ons.

Deliverable Qty Price Total
Pre-Production [Creative Development, Project Management, Shoot Logistics, etc.] 1 $10K $10K
2-Camera Production Day at NYC Stage [Inc. Stage/Studio Rental] 1 $29K $29K
1-Camera Production Days at PortCo Locations 3 $8K $24K
Post Production: 6-8-Minute AI Futurist Meet Growth Investor Film [Editing, Music Licensing, Color Correction, Bespoke GFX Package [AI Data and Product Viz], Standard GFX Package [Lower Thirds, Lists, PiPs] 1 $28K $28K
Post Production: 3-Minute Segment [Editing, Music Licensing, Color Correction, Bespoke GFX Package [AI Data and Product Viz], Standard GFX Package [Lower Thirds, Lists, PiPs] 3 $10K $30K

Table of Contents


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